Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sunday, June 15

Yesterday's blog was difficult to write.  I had to listen and re-listen to conversation with my doctor to make sense out of the dozen different statistics.  It took three hours to write.  Blogger can be quite cumbersome.  Bottom line- I guess I have better odds than I thought  achieving remission after the day-28 bone marrow biopsy.  Then, it is just assumed my leukemia will fall below the 0.2% hard line and that the first transplant will work.  If it all comes together, it's like pushing the ultimate 'easy' button and I'm cured of leukemia and lymphoma, which had been previously defined as 'incurable'.  Just like that.  Or, the day-28 biopsy is bad, more chemo reduces odds and they don't find a suitable match and I die soon.  I lose count how many times Dr Patel told me is was 'high risk'.  I have faith.  I would like to be healed, but that's not necessarily what I mean.  Faith goes a lot deeper than just a healing.  It deals with joy and acceptance, which I posses a lot.  After thinking about today's medical report, I think I also found hope.  And for all you movie fans out there, 'Hope is a good thing.'  Katie, can you name the movie?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your faith is an awesome example to me of what I should strive for. Each day as I read your blog, I am amazed at your positive outlook and faith. I continue to pray for you daily.
