Monday, August 11, 2014

Sat, Aug 9th

Sherry picked up my brother Don and at the airport and were able to join me for the final doctor visit prior to my hospital admission on the 13th.  All my medical tests turned out good: my lung capacity was 113% of normal; heart was strong, etc.  Despite my muscle loss over the past two months, I'm apparently much stronger than typical cancer patients.  Dr Patel went over every chemo drug in detail: why it's used, risks and planned counter measures.  I've had all these drugs previously and handled them well, but now they are cranking up the doses.  The idea is not just to kill the leukemia and my white blood cells, but the body's ability to ever make any more.  I'll be totally dependent on the donor's bone marrow taking over.  The truth is that many things can go wrong during the six days of heavy chemo and the transplant; however, I will be monitored every two hours for a ton of factors.  If something goes astray, they give me a new drug to deal with fever or nasuea. The chemo sounds challenging.  It's pretty much guaranteed to make me feel ill.  So, I must go in with the attitude of maintaining an upbeat spirit and will try to greet everyone who with a smile.

The actual transplant sounds anti-climatic.  They simply give me a bag of donor cells and it drips down into my IV in about an hour.  Then, everyone watches me closes for two weeks. They are concerned about a rejection.  There are planned counter measures and alternate drugs they can administer.  Apparently, a little rejection is a good thing.  That would confirm the new stem cells are going after the leukemia.  A little rejection they can manage.  It sounds like I will become increasingly weak, a trend that may last for three months.  After my new white blood cells build my ANC (measure of immune strength) to 1,000, they let me return home.  I will make three visits per week to the cancer clinic for close monitoring.  60% of patients who get a transplant survive five years.  My Gateway home group was sonsupportive last night.  They will take turns driving me to the clinic when I'm released.

It was wonderful to see my brother, Don, over a long weekend.  He and his wife, Marilena, will take turns visiting Sherry while I'm in the hospital for four weeks.  Sherry is fiercely independent, but needs someone around in case she falls.  Speaking of falling... I fell out of her minivan several days ago.  I was grabbing bags of groceries, but my left leg did cooperate and I tripped and fell out of her handicap tailgate.  All that was lost was a jar of sauce and my man card.

How does religion help me?  First off, I don't really like religion and doubt it would provide much comfort.  Sherry and are faith-based, Christians.  This gives me a joy that comes from having a relationship with Jesus.  I haven't lost one second of sleep worrying about the lymphoma or leukemia.    I'm sure two months ago the docs thought I would not survive the year.  Sherry's been an inspiration to me.  Her MS has taken away most of her ability to move.  She's had to deal with regular challenges that would crush most people.  However, because she is more focused on what she's been given and less concerned with what has been lost.  Being happy is a choice.  The cancer really has been an amazing adventure.  I'm so blessed to have so many great friends.

For those of you who aren't Christians.... I wanted to pass along some advice.  God is not mad at you.  God loves you.  What's the most famous verse in the Bible?  Probably John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  Most people don't know the next verse, John 3:17.  "For God did not send his Son into the world to condem the world..."  That's what ticked off the Pharasies, who definitely we're mad at everyone.  God wants a relationship with you.  So that, the next time you face cancer or some other crisis, you won't be by yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I'm anxious for you my friend. I continue to think of you daily and pray for your healing. I agree with your position on religion... its all about faith and relationship with Jesus Christ! And to finish verse 17 from above... but to SAVE IT!! Amen!!!!!
    Take care my brother, keep the bolg rolling!
