Monday, September 9, 2013

5 Days To Go

I beginning to get anxious.  As I understand the cross-country ride, a little bit of climbing may be required along the way; however, I get dropped by my buddies whenever we go over a highway overpass.  But, seriously, after you crest the Sierra Nevada Mountains at 10,500 feet, and navigate the San Juan and Appalachian Mountains, how much climbing can there really be through 11 states?  Yea, I think I'm just over reacting.

I haven't been sleeping well.  In fact, I've had two night sweat events this week.  That's a troublesome sign for anyone with lymphoma; however, I just saw my oncologist and my blood work looked fine, so I'm writing it off to just being overly-excited.  I haven't mentioned this to my wife yet, so I'm counting on her not reading the blog.

I also had a problem with my 9-year old saddle.  I knew it was wearing our, so three months ago I began my search for a replacement.  I couldn't find anything I liked, so I decided to stick with my old friend...until two weeks ago, when it began ripping apart.  Over the past two weeks I frantically test rode three saddles looking for one that wouldn't hurt my butt or chafe.  It's really stupid to make such a last minute change, but I think I found a leather saddle that feels good.  So, in CA, I'll put the new saddle on the Trek bike I've never ridden before and head east 3,200 miles.

I've been wanting to ride XC for 15 years and I'm thrilled it's about to kick off.  I'm in very good shape and health.  I've ridden maybe 60 rides during the past 12 months that ranged between 100-135 miles.  There's nothing to do now, but finish packing...and try to sleep.



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