Correction: a few days ago I whined about the final 8 miles straight into a 25 mph headwind. We now have an accurate reading. It was 30 mph, with gusts up to 35.
Yesterday, I rode with Jen, one of our guides. I told her I was listening to an audio book, The Boys In The Boat, (University of Washington crew team that won Hitler's 1936 Olympics) to get psyched for the XC trip. She looked at me suddenly and said, "You don't need to get anymore psyched." I guess she knows me pretty good already.
We road a 22-mile section of Route 66 today that was closed to cars, due to a lot of sand that had washed across the road from recent flooding. Rustin suggested we take a third bottle with us, although I don't think it was really a suggestion. We needed it. The vans then drove the long way around, with Jen along riding with us to provide adult supervision. Peter had two flats. Paul the Younger changed the first one for him. Denis and I assisted with the second. Two riders went down today: Paul the Young and Paul the Older. Both attempted to ride through sand on the road, unsuccessfully. I'm sorry they fell, but am sort of relieved that I am not the only member of the 'no, no. I just wanted to take a closer look at the pavement club'.
I really enjoy riding with Denis. We seem to function as sweepers for the ride. We stopped for Peter's flats and later when Paul The Younger, who was sick a few days ago, started cramping badly. He told us, and Paul The Elder, to just go on without him. Obviously, we were't going to leave him sitting under a shrub in the desert, so we just all sat down and waited for Rustin and the van to circle back to check on us. He was cramping so badly he could hardly stand up.
Dennis and I passed the hotel and stopped at Arby's to eat a post ride meal. Eating seems to be the key for how well I'm feeling.
Funny story: A lot of traffic was driving by, so Sallie got behind the van to pee. After she began, the van drove away. She laughed when she told us the story: "it was like I was on stage and the curtain suddenly went up." Rustin then drove by. He's a gentleman, because he swears, " I didn't see anything." Although he said that before anyone asked him if he saw anything. ;)
I'm having so much fun and feel very strong.
Good to see you got the road rash out of the way and are settling in well. Ride on!!