This morning the doc had some good news-- my white blood cells grew to 300. That means I may be released on Friday, about a week earlier than expected. But, they are still watching possible graft rejection. Last night my temp shot up to 100.3 and then went back down by itself over the next few hours. If it had been an infection it would not have gone down.
I think I mentioned they gave me a suction machine to address mucusitis. Well, my spit was so thick yesterday the machine got clogged up and broke. Oh well, it's better today.
Yesterday I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast, an apple for lunch, a chocolate Sunday from Sonic in the afternoon, and Pei Wei Pad Thai for dinner. Actually I had five bites and couldn't handle the smell and had to quit. My appetite is way down. Mike, my personal trainer, used to criticize my intake. I worked out constantly, yet maintained a rather pudgy but fit physic. He was always telling me, "You must eat massive amounts of calories?" Not anymore. I weighed in at 177 this morning. I dropped a few pounds due to another pill that caused me to pee like a race horse for an hour.
Psalms 118:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."
Glad to see your positive outlook!! You are amazing!! If I had a team to pick, I would want a dozen "race horses" just like you!! You ROCK!! Looking forward to the day when we will meet eye to eye!!