I went to the clinic this morning to get my labs drawn and to see Dr Patel. My good news continues: good liver numbers, platelets, LDH, etc. She said I was 'doing great'. My rash has stabilized at a low level, only showing up on previously sun exposed skin (face, neck and shoulders). Dr Patel reduced my Prednisone, which are steroid pills designed to address my rash (skin transplant rejection symptom). This makes me happy since the steroids make my hands shake and interfere with sleep. She also cut in half my Gabapentin drug, because I'm not having as much tingling in my fingers. I'll drop it completely in two weeks. So my strategy is to stay out of the sun and around lots of people--especially sick ones.
I'll blog again Thursday or if anything comes up.
I'm going to a nap and then do my daily stationary bike ride.
God bless.
Awesome update Doug!!