Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday, Sept 2 (Day 12)

They let me go when my ANC (white blood count) get to 1,000.  Yesterday it inched up to 100; today it climbed to 400.  When it hits 500 it is considered engrafted, and when it begins to grow, it tends to jump quickly.  This means I should be released Friday.  Certainly good news.

The swelling in my left foot has gone done a bit, but it looks purple as the red dots begin to fade away.  This condition has already been address with a bag of platelets and is no longer an issue.  I'm getting maybe my 15th hemoglobin transfusion since I was admitted back on May 28th.  I haven't had any temperature spikes in the last two days.  I weighed 178 this morning.

Can't wait to get out and hopefully put all the hospital visits in the rear view mirror.  Bone marrow biopsies on day 30 and 100 will provide I sight if the lymphoma and leukemia are defeated.  I think I'm feeling better than they expected, but I will need to be patient.

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