so much I dream about eatting. I spoke with a couple of ICU doctors about installing the more permanent feeding tube directly through tummy wall, as opposed to the one coming down my nose. Surgeries may have to wait till pneumonia is resolved.
Word is radiologist reviewed my MRI and found a nerve to cut...ahh biopsy. The info from biopsy will be used by Patel and Anderson to pick which chemo drugs to use down the road. I think they are ready to start me on something tomorrow night.
I still can't eat or drink anything. I rely totally on feeding tube.
I really like the Neurology staff. Although the ICU doc gave me a mean look and a lecture for setting off the bed alarm, for the third time.. I just think I will feel much better by Tuesday,
Folks you barely know, half a continent away, pray for you daily. So etimes in the middle of the night. And believe, as you do, in God's goodness and unfailing love.