Wow! Here's a scary thought. What if my current condition is the new normal: very little extension of left arm and hand, very weak right hand, move around like I'm 100. If that's my new reality, I have a role model to show me how to do it in my darling wife, Sherry. I don't think you guys appreciate what she puts up with or how tough she is. I just got to figure out the chronic pain and swallowing. I think I am very close to needing a food tube to get a decent diet. The tube would be a an embarrassment, but would not prevent me from eating when I could.
What about my story? You know I wanted to be that guy. The guy that was cured from two 'incurable' cancers. It looked like I was on my path to a cure three weeks ago, but it now sounds like I will have 1-2 years. Please understand that I am not waiving a white flag. I just have to accept my physical condition. I also accept God doesn't care if my leukemia came back. God isn't the house at Vegas. He doesn't survive by controlling the odds. He can do anything he wants.
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