Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, Sept 4 (Day 14)

My ANC increased to 2,000 and I get released tomorrow, probably by 11:00.  I'm going to have to be real careful at home.  The doc said I must avoid hot sun.  A sun burn could lead to real rejection issues.  They will let me walk around neighborhood, provided nobody's out mowing the yard or leaf blowing.  That's because dust could lead to rejection issues.  I must take my anti-rejection drugs twice a day, on time, or I'll experience rejection issues.  I guess you get the idea.  It's funny.  I got a flu shot six months ago, but all the chemo killed my immune system.  I may have to take childhood immunizations.  Trust me, I'll try to protect my new, hard won immune system.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome news Doug!! I felt an overwhelming happiness reading your blog this morning!! What a journey... can't tell you how much joy I feel for you!! God is SO good!! Hallelujah, hallelujah, amen, amen!!!!!!!
