Saturday, October 25, 2014

10:00 Sat Night, Oct 25th

First, some medical news.  I never got the MRI of my left leg; guess we'll get it tomorrow. The MRI will highlight which never will get biopsied and answer the all important question:  did the cancer come back?  The docs think the leukemia is hiding in the nerve and causing all my neuropathy issues.     If not cancer, then maybe my pain and movement issues are caused by HVGD, which would also be pretty bad news.

I've had lots of trouble swallowing lately and had a swallowing x-ray, which showed problems.  The doc was close to putting me on a feeding tube, but relented.  I now have strict rules: tuck chin, multiple swallows, and must clear throat loudly to prevent food going down windpipe.  Aspirating food particles could increase risk of pneumonia, which is already high.  Tonight, we ate steak from Saltgrass, which was wonderful.  I handled the food slowly and without incident.

My neurologist changed my medications to better reflect my nerve pain.  I plan to have a restful night's sleep, which will be a blessing compared to last night's up-all-night pain fest.

I had a wonderful visit from my Nigerian friends:  Arit P Eke-Ude, Teresa Agada and her son Chine.  They were great and reminded me of Hezekiah, who was told by God to get his house in order; he was going to die, which is what the doctors are suggesting to me.  Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed, 'Remember, Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion done what is good in your eyes.'...Then the word of The Lord came...'I have heard your prayers and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life.'  Well, that's what I want: 15 more years.


1 comment:

  1. at church today we spoke about peter having the faith to step out of the boat whilst all around the others lay down amidst the raging storm, we are reminded as he made his way walking on water to our lord he momentarily took his eyes of the lord at that point he began to sink, the lord reached to peter assured him and returned him to the boat, I thought about you at church today Doug your strength and faith are with you at the moment as you walk on the water ,yes the storm is raging all around Doug some May seek shelter as the storm rages keep focused on our saviour and look carefully for his outstretched hand he will guide you back to the tranquil waters of good health. May I pray ,Lord hear my prayer draw near to Doug lord in the coming days fill him to overflowing with the Holy Spirit, banish this pain from his body strengthen his soul awash him with your Devine mercy and allow him to continue the good works, allow our brother Doug to be testament to the awesome power and force for good that is you our lord saviour and salvation, come down lord come down , come down draw near be present by his side , my trust and faith lord knows no bounds answer my prayer lord Amen, God be with you Doug blessings Chris (Northern Ireland )
