Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, Oct 16-.challenges

Last night was awful.  I've got something going on with my neck, shoulders, and both arms.  If I lay down and go to sleep for an hour, I wake up with vivid pain and large patches of numbness in my arms.  It's simply impossible to lay down on the bed, recliner, sofa, etc. I apply ice packs and walk around or sit at the kitchen table and read for a couple hours.  Eventually the pain subsides and I find something comfortable and go back to sleep.  I then sleep for about 50 minutes until the pain returns and get up and read again.    I need more sleep.

The docs were concerned about the pain and loss of strength in my right hand and arm.  It's odd--I can't turn off a lamp switch and must apply a second effort to turn the car key.  My left foot now is weak.  I failed the doc's little 'push against my hands tests'.  So, they sent out an 'urgent' request for an appointment with a neurologist and an MRI, which is scheduled for Monday.  The doc is concerned that the leukemia has relapsed and returned to my brain.  My blood pressure is still way to high.  I registered 161/106 today.  This probably reflects the duress my body is under: HVGD skin rash, tons of steroids, and maybe a negative reaction to my anti-rejection drug, which I really can't quit.  So they doubled my blood pressure medicine and increased my Gabapenten dosage, again.   This is the drug designed to address my neuropathy (pain).  I will soon start the blood light treatments.  If it works (rash deminishes), then the doc will be able to reduce the steroids; I can't wait.   I'm hoping this isn't leukemia coming back or some growth on my spine.  The docs' think the pain is a bad drug reaction.  That's what passes for good news today.

It was a long day at the clinic too.  I arrived at 9:00 a.m. and left at 3:30.  Bummer.

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